
A DAIRY OF ME: The First Decade (Draft) - (AutoBio SERIES)

THE STORY OF MY LIFE FROM A HEAVILY BIASED BIASED POINT OF VIEW To JRR Martin for the ASOIAF was an eye opener to the possible complexities beyond our ability to absorb and analysis the data that is absorbed by our senses. Neurologists will tell that the sheer amount of data collected and processed is simply mind-bobbling (pun intended). It does seem to my that I was born on a Saturday of the second Jump, a thousand four hundred and five lunar years after the forced migration (or exile) of a man called Abu l-Qasim. In one of the most successfully clandestine escapes from death, Abu-l Qasim Muhammad bin Abdallah avoided the planned assassination. A feat more worthy than any of the imaginary ones of Agatha Christie, Arthur C Doyle and James Hardly Chase. Unless am gravely mistaken, the story of the first 10 years of my life is as unreliable as most. It is a jumble events that are at best hazy images with so many wholes and contradictions that most of it seem (with 20 yrs hindsight, too i